Welcome to SAS Centre

We help children and adults unlock their innate potential to enjoy maximum well-being and achieve great things in education, at work and in their personal life.

Our methodology is based on the latest neuro-scientific findings in brain plasticity. It is now possible to achieve long lasting improvements in sensory, speech and language processing, which will boost attention, understanding and memory. This can lead to significant changes in emotional well-being, social skills and daily behaviour.

We use specially developed listening programmes, applied through standard full-sized headphones, to activate specific parts of the brain and adjust processing habits. Every course is uniquely tailored around the needs and potential of each client to ensure optimal results in a short period of time.

Taking a SAS course is really easy as it does not require attention, following instructions or physical exercises. It even works while asleep. Within one month the brain can establish new permanent interconnections. Listening to the specially processed music, speech and tones is both safe and effective.

Our courses are only available through Accredited SAS Provider and are delivered as convenient online courses. Explore our Areas of Expertise for effective solutions that make a real difference.

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